I finished my final essay for the semester at 2 am last night. When I woke up this morning, it was as though, on cue, all my joy and all my creative energy returned, back after a 4 month hiatus. And finally, I feel I've been brought back to life.
I'm so looking forward to this period of time where I'll have a bit more time to focus my attention on other areas of my life. Friends, for example, who so graciously put up with my stress and inconsistency during the school year. You all deserve a huge high-five and an award for being genuinely awesome. And let me tell you, I've got a lot of catching up with myself to do. Over the course of the next four months, I hope to learn and grow in more than just an academic sense. I am going to challenge myself, work on being more patient, clean up my language, and get in touch with the creative side of my brain again. You know, that kind of thing.

I'm happy to report that I'll be writing in this space more frequently now, giving you updates on the vegetable garden, farmer's market treasures, and of course, more insanely yummy recipes. But for now, I'm leaving you with a list. Yeah, another list. It's time to get the ball rolling and a list is the best place to start.
Summer Self Project
-Perfect my banana bread recipe : Kyran bought me some banana bread from Whole Foods the other day and I was absolutely delighted by it's comforting simplicity. Truly sometimes, less is more.
- Perfect my coconut macaroon recipe : I like coconut in all forms, but after some extensive trials of macaroons all over North America, I realize I've still got some work to do. Trust me, I'll let you know when I find it.
- Read these books : Finally, finally, freedom to read what I want!
- Continue going to the gym 4-5 times a week, and when the time is right, do the Grouse Grind once a week: Not only is working out an excellent way to relive stress, it elevates your mood when you aren't feeling so good and it makes you look better. Woo!
- Continue eating in a way that nourishes my body and makes me feel good: Eating well = feeling well.
- Start sewing again and doing more diy projects: A friend of mine who is a gorgeous designer has been inspiring me beyond belief to break out my sewing machine and make some pretty things.
- Get back in touch with the people who matter most: Tis the season for biking through the streets at midnight, bbq's in the backyard, and laughing like madpeople
- Take photos of everything : There is nothing more inspiring than the light at this time of year. Long, sunny days make for beautiful pictures.
- Write : a novel, a masterpiece, a journal entry, a thought, an idea, a blog post. I can make sense of almost anything once I've written it down on paper.
- Successfully grow a multitude of heirloom tomatoes: I've grown one or two plants every year with mixed results. I always manage to successfully grow the heirloom grape varieties, but the larger ones have not met my standards yet. This is the year for huge, juicy, sun-ripened heirlooms!
- Make homemade brioche burger buns - Burger buns are typically the most disappointing part of a burger. People neglect to give the bun any respect, but I'm telling you: IT IS IMPORTANT. The best burgers I have had come sandwiched between impossibly light and buttery brioche buns and I'm making it my mission to achieve these results.
And there is so much more, but for now, finally, it is time to sleep and dream.
See you soon.